THE STORY: Set in a hospital and in a theatre, THE FLU SEASON is a love story—a reluctant one, a love story in spite of itself.
Winner of the 2004 Oppenheimer Award.
“In Will Eno’s latest play, a love story goes bad (really bad), a play gets written in painful fits and starts, snow falls, it turns to slush. Maybe spring arrives. This is a play to remind us why sunsets make us sad, how nostalgia is like fog and why we live our lives as though we are in mourning for them. THE FLU SEASON is stingingly funny and really rather beautiful. Will Eno is an original, a maverick wordsmith whose weird, wry dramas gurgle with the grim humor and pain of life. Eno specializes in the connections of the unconnected, the apologetic murmurings of the disengaged, those who have suppressed their humanity to survive. It is vicious stuff, written in a language so deceptively innocent, so full of platitudes, that you don’t realize it has cut you deep until you feel the warm seep of bloody despair.” —Guardian (UK).
“Eno’s playwriting is of a potent strain—tough to anticipate, difficult to resist.” —Village Voice.