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Full Length
Dark Comedy
Full Length
1 man (1 total)
One actor portrays every character in a small Jersey Shore town as he unravels the story of Leonard Pelkey, a tenaciously optimistic and flamboyant fourteen-year-old boy who goes missing. A luminous force of nature whose magic is only truly felt once he is gone, Leonard becomes an unexpected inspiration as the town’s citizens question how they live, who they love, and what they leave behind....
Full Length
1 man, 1 woman (2 total)
Amber and Tom, finding their way as freshmen at Princeton, spend a night together that alters the course of their lives. They agree on the drinking, they agree on the attraction, but consent is foggy, and if unspoken, can it be called consent? With lyricism and wit, ACTUALLY investigates gender and race politics, our crippling desire to fit in, and the three sides to every story....
Full Length
3 men, 3 women (doubling/flexible casting) (6 total)
As the British Industrial Revolution dawns, young Ada Byron Lovelace (daughter of the flamboyant and notorious Lord Byron) sees the boundless creative potential in the "analytic engines" of her friend and soul mate Charles Babbage, inventor of the first mechanical computer. Ada envisions a whole new world where art and information converge—a world she might not live to see. A music-laced story of love, friendship, and the edgiest dreams of the future. Jane Austen meets Steve Jo...
Full Length
2 men, 3 women (5 total)
On the same night that Superstorm Agnes closes in on New York City, June’s brother, Charlie, returns home after a two-week disappearance that’s left her sick with worry. Charlie is on the autism spectrum, and it’s his sister’s job to look after him. Meanwhile, June’s girlfriend, Elle, is about to move to Philadelphia for medical school and wants June to come with her. And Ronan, June and Charlie’s roommate, has invited a contentious old friend to crash with them. As the storm k...
Full Length
4 men, 2 women (6 total)
As the Civil Rights movement is brewing, a controversial children’s book about a black rabbit marrying a white rabbit stirs the passions of a segregationist State Senator and a no-nonsense State Librarian in 1959 Montgomery, Alabama. A contrasting story of childhood friends—an African American man and a woman of white privilege, reunited in adulthood—provides private counterpoint to the public events swirling in the state capital. Political foes, star-crossed lovers, and one fe...
Romantic Comedy
Full Length
2-9 men, 2-10 women (flexible casting) (19 total)
NOTE ON EDITIONS: The only version of ALMOST, MAINE that may be purchased and/or used in production is the Fourth Revised Edition, issued in 2023. The cover of the Fourth Revised Edition is red. No other version of any or all of the plays that comprise ALMOST, MAINE may be performed, per the author's request.

THE STORY: Welcome to Almost, Maine, a place that’s so far north, it’s almost not in the United States. It’s almost in Canada. And it’s not quite a town, because it...
Full Length
2 men (2 total)
A seasoned African-American actor auditioning for the role of William Shakespeare’s iconic Black hero Othello must respond to the dictates of a younger white director who presumes to understand how to maximize the Black character for believability. What could possibly go wrong? A poetic exploration of Shakespeare, race, and America, not necessarily in that order....
Full Length
4 women (4 total)
A lifetime ago, actress Anna Campbell and manager Betty Samson ignited a major theatrical controversy with a performance of monologues from August Wilson’s Fences that came to be known forever as Naked Wilson. After decades of self-imposed exile in Amsterdam to escape the critics, they receive an invitation to perform the show at a women’s theatre festival promising to be “angry, raucous, and shamelessly gorgeous.” Uncertain of what kind of reception she will get...
Biographical Drama
Full Length
1 woman (1 total)
ANN is an intimate, no-holds-barred portrait of Ann Richards, the legendary late Governor of Texas. This inspiring and hilarious play brings us face to face with a complex, colorful, and captivating character bigger than the state from which she hailed. Written and originally performed by Emmy Award-winner Holland Taylor, ANN takes a revealing look at the impassioned woman who enriched the lives of her followers, friends, and family....
Full Length
5 men, 3 women (8 total)
Winner of the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Drama.

THE STORY: ANNA IN THE TROPICS is a poignant and poetic play set in Florida in 1929 in a Cuban–American cigar factory, where cigars are still rolled by hand and "lectors" are employed to educate and entertain the workers. The arrival of a new lector is a cause for celebration, but when he begins to read aloud from Anna Karenina, he unwittingly becomes a catalyst in the lives of his avid listeners, for whom Tolstoy, the tropics, ...
DPS Classic
Full Length
15 n/s (flexible casting) (15 total)
Two movie moguls abandon an increasingly vain and shallow society, making their way into the desert to live among the birds. Seeking the freedom and tranquility that come with bird-living, they must make a case for why they deserve an avian transformation, but all they have to offer are the pieces of civilization they’ve tried to leave behind. THE BIRDS begs the question: Can human beings truly go against their nature? Originally performed in 414 B.C. and written chockablock fu...