“Margulies’ remarkable gift of building characterization through realistic dialogue is undiminished. Full of aching ruefulness that underlies the comedy, BROOKLYN BOY’s scenes are written with precision and humor. The play isn’t about Brooklyn, nor is it about a boy—it’s about a man without a home.” —Los Angeles Times.
“BROOKLYN BOY is the funniest and one of Margulies’ most moving plays. This comedy delivers the kind of humane pleasures that brought audiences from all over New York City to Broadway during the post–World War II era. For those who have watched Margulies develop…BROOKLYN BOY offers the subtler pleasure of watching a master deftly weave so many lifelong themes into this comedy-drama’s colorful fabric.” —San Diego Union-Tribune.
“The rewards of success and fame are weighed with poignant complexity in Donald Margulies’ midlife reflection, which traces a suddenly celebrated writer’s unwitting struggle to reconnect with his past…[BROOKLYN BOY] is illuminated by sensitivity and humor, by sparkling naturalistic dialogue and by the grace with which it extends a deeply personal story into a universal realm.” —Variety.
“BROOKLYN BOY is a superbly crafted new play. The story unfolds with an uncanny resonance that distinguishes all great theatre, reminding us that nobody’s journey through life can be made without some bad decisions, wrong directions or regrets.” —Orange County Register.
“A self-reflective dream reverie, BROOKLYN BOY is tough, insightful, bittersweet, funny and wise.” —Hollywood Reporter.
“Mr. Margulies’ most personally heartfelt work…reminds us of how rewarding a writer [he] can be…” —The New York Times.