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Type of Play

MenWomenTotal Cast

Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller


Full Length, Dark Comedy/Political Drama
2 men, 1 woman, 1 n/s (doubling, flexible casting)
Total Cast: 4, Flexilbe Set
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-4230-7


MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $105 per performance.
THE STORY: Complicated, passionate, and difficult, John Quincy Adams was a brilliant diplomat, ineffectual one-term president, and congressman known for his eloquence, arrogance, and integrity. This unique, highly theatrical play imagines key confrontations between JQA and some of America’s most dynamic figures: George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, his own father, John Adams, and more. At once provocative, haunting, and hilarious, this power play challenges the way we think of our country, our government, and ourselves.
“JQA…encourage[s] you to think…of how the behavior of a leader raises and lowers the moral temperature of the nation. And so the play is revealed as one of the best to emerge…about the deficits of this political moment.” —Washington Post.

“[JQA] is poetic, gorgeously lucid, provocative and outrageously funny in unexpected ways.” —DC Theatre Scene.