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Type of Play

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Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

A Ghost Story

One Act, Short Play
2 men, 1 woman Casting flexible
Total Cast: 3, Simple Interior
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-0503-6

MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $55 per performance.
THE STORY: In A GHOST STORY, two hikers, Oswald and Hackett, seek shelter from a winter blizzard in an isolated Maine cabin. They are joined by a mysterious girl, Soma, who disclaims any knowledge of who might have laid the fire in the hearth or who owns the knapsack that rests in the corner. To while away the time the three tell each other ghost stories—at first vividly fanciful and then suddenly disquieting as the imagined becomes real in the blood-curdling climax.
Included in the collection Haunted Lives.