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Dark Comedy Farce Historical Melodrama Mystery Romantic Satire Tragedy Thriller

Kissing Sweet

One Act, Comedy
2 men, 2 women
Total Cast: 4, Open Stage
ISBN-13: 978-0-8222-0276-9

MIN. PERFORMANCE FEE: $40 per performance.
THE STORY: KISSING SWEET. First presented as part of FOUL!, a special program on pollution and conservation, this madcap spoof of TV advertising has been specially adapted and expanded by the author for stage presentation. Antic and wildly funny in its approach, the play offers both a good-humored comment on our national preoccupation with deodorants and hair sprays, and also a sobering revelation of the self-justifying defensiveness with which our worst polluters excuse and perpetuate their actions.
First presented as part of FOUL!, a special program on pollution and conservation, this madcap spoof of TV advertising has been specially adapted and expanded by the author for stage presentation. Antic and wildly funny in its approach, the play offers both a good-humored comment on our national preoccupation with deodorants and hair sprays, and also a sobering revelation of the self-justifying defensiveness with which our worst polluters excuse and perpetuate their actions.

Included in the collection Kissing Sweet and A Day for Surprises.