THE STORY: Margaret Chase Smith was a woman of firsts: In 1940, she was the first woman elected by the state of Maine to serve in Congress; nine years later she was the first woman the state elected to the Senate. And in 1950, she became the first senator to stand on the Senate floor and publicly rebuke Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin, who rose to power using post–World War II anti-Communist hysteria and ruined the lives of those who opposed him. Margaret Chase Smith’s “Declaration of Conscience” speech was a public act of defiance at a time when both Democrats and Republicans were cowed into silence for fear of retribution. It came at a cost: She was shunned by her colleagues, challenged in a primary, and McCarthy threatened to expose her personal secrets. CONSCIENCE is the story of a remarkable woman who stood up for what was right and refused to back down.
“A timely boxing match of a history play…CONSCIENCE portrays [Margaret Chase] Smith…as a dry-witted hero with the rare courage to take on a lying bully who is sowing chaos, ruining reputations and threatening the very fabric of the nation.” —The New York Times.
“CONSCIENCE presents a slice of history, one that will resonate with a modern audience. The show portrays an insightful view of McCarthyism while thoughtfully addressing themes of women in politics, the dangers of demagoguery, and how truth and reason must prevail in society.” —BroadwayWorld.
“…DiPietro avoids cheap political shots, focusing instead on the intense interpersonal dynamics. [Margaret Chase] Smith is a powerful, complex character and…McCarthy slowly unravels before your eyes.” —Front Row Center.