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Plays by Lucille Fletcher
One Act
4 men, 8 women (extras, voices, etc) (12 total)
A ghost thriller, this story has the quality of an anecdote out of American folklore, drawing as it does on the local color and place-names of the United States. It is the tale of Ronald Adams, an average motorist, who sets out to drive from Brooklyn to California, and early on his journey encounters a strange and inexplicable hitch-hiker. His efforts to explain, then avoid, and finally destroy the constantly appearing figure along the highway carry him through several episodes...
Full Length
5 men, 4 women (9 total)
Unable to sleep, Elaine Wheeler paces the living room of her Manhattan townhouse, troubled by unsettling memories and vague fears. Her husband tries to comfort her, but when he steps away for a moment Elaine screams as she sees (or believes she sees) the body of a dead man in the window across the way. The police are called, but find nothing except an empty chair. Elaine's terror grows as shortly thereafter she sees still another body—this time a woman's—but by now the police a...
One Act
3 men, 4 women (extras, voices, etc) (7 total)
A mystery thriller, the tale of a neurotic invalid, whose only contact with the outside world is her phone. Over this, one night, because of a crossed wire, she hears plans for a murder, which turns out to be her own. Her frantic efforts to enlist help through the only means at her disposal, her growing terror and realization of the truth, and (along the way) the hints about her own life and personality she lets drop, make this a full character portrait not only of herself but ...
Two Plays in One Volume
One Acts
Sorry, Wrong Number. A mystery thriller; the tale of a neurotic invalid, whose only contact with the outside world is her phone. Over it, one night, because of a crossed wire, she hears plans for a murder, which turns out to be her own. Her frantic efforts to enlist help through the only means at her disposal, her growing terror, and the hints about her own life and personality she lets drop, make th...